Wednesday, September 24, 2008

What is Kulcha?

I have been waiting quite a long time to find some ready made naan bread or pita bread at the market but with no avail. I finally have realized and come to terms with that fact that I will never find it here because they do not sell them. Today at the market I found this kulcha bread which looked interesting and I thought I would buy it and then figure out what I can make with it. After doing some research to find out what kulcha bread is, I found out that it is a version of naan bread and most people make it at home. It's basically wheat flour made into a dough with yeast, yogurt, milk and salt, and usually stuffed with something or another. I believe the most famous is onion kulchas. Although it would compliment any gravy dish, it is best known to be eaten along with chole for breakfast.

I hope to find the courage to try out the homemade version of the kulcha/naan bread one day. Until then, we will be eating these ready made kulchas. Today I am serving the bread with a concoction that I like to call "Paneer Masti" (See separate entry under "Paneer" or "Breakfast")

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